Neural style transfer
Neural style transfer with PyTorch
Neural style transfer
Neural style transfer is the application of deep learning to the task of texture transfer. The goal is to transfer some characteristics of a style image (e.g. a painting) onto a content image. The technique can be used for artistic purpose or to enhance the content image with missing information, e.g. in super-resolution applications.
NOTE: here insert an illustration
Here, I will mostly follow the original implementation by Gatys et al. (2016), and complement it with several improvements suggested in the literature. In Gatys et al.'s algorithm the content and style images are passed through a pretrained convolutional neural network (e.g. VGG19). The feature maps that result from the various convolution operations contain increasingly abstract representations of the original images. Thus, working with feature maps rather the the original image offers a more flexible way of combining them. From these feature maps, the algorithm performs three steps:
- feature inversion (see my previous blogpost)
- style extraction
- merging the content image with the style of the style image.
According to Wikipedia: "In the visual arts, style is a "...distinctive manner which permits the grouping of works into related categories"[1] or "...any distinctive, and therefore recognizable, way in which an act is performed or an artifact made or ought to be performed and made".[2]" For the purpose of style transfer, however, we need to define the style of a single image. A way to describe is the ensemble of characteristic visual elements (colors, lines, shapes, ...) and their relation to each other. Mathematically, this definition of style is capture using a Gram matrix which is, essentially, a correlation matrix of the feature maps for a given layer.
The overall code architecture is identical to the feature inversion algorithm, with added functionality for computing gram matrices, and to compute losses with respect to both the content image and the style image.
- [1] Fernie, Eric. Art History and its Methods: A critical anthology. London: Phaidon, 1995, p. 361. ISBN 978-0-7148-2991-3
- [2] Gombrich, 150
import torch
import torchvision
from torch import nn
import skimage
from skimage import transform
from skimage import io
# from im_func import show_image, timer
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display, clear_output
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
use_drive = True
if use_drive:
from google.colab import drive
rgb_mean = torch.tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) # Fixed values for PyTorch pretrained models
rgb_std = torch.tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
class Image(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, img=None, optimizable=True, img_shape=[64,64], jit_max=2, angle_max=2.0, shift_ini_i=0, shift_ini_j=0, random_seed=42):
self.img_shape = img_shape
if type(img)==type(None):
self.img = torch.rand([1, 3] + self.img_shape)
self.img = img
self.img = self.preprocess()
self.img = self.jitter_transform(self.img,0,shift_ini_i, shift_ini_j)
if optimizable == True:
self.img = nn.Parameter(self.img)
self.jit_i = 0
self.jit_j = 0
self.jit_max = jit_max
self.angle = 0.0
self.angle_max = angle_max
def preprocess(self):
with torch.no_grad():
transforms = torchvision.transforms.Compose([
return transforms(self.img).unsqueeze(0)
def postprocess(self):
with torch.no_grad():
img =[0].to(rgb_std.device).clone()
img.clamp_(0, 1)
return torchvision.transforms.ToPILImage()(img.permute(1, 2, 0).permute(2, 0, 1))
def jitter_transform(self,img,angle,jit_i, jit_j):
return torchvision.transforms.functional.affine(img, angle=angle, translate=(jit_i/self.img_shape[1], jit_j/self.img_shape[0]), scale=1., shear=[0.0,0.0])
def jittered_image(self):
with torch.no_grad():
jit_max = 2
temp = np.random.standard_normal(2)*2.0
self.jit_i += temp[0]
self.jit_j += temp[1]
self.angle += np.random.standard_normal(1)[0]*1.0
self.angle = np.clip(self.angle,-self.angle_max,self.angle_max)
self.jit_i, self.jit_j = np.clip([self.jit_i, self.jit_j],-self.jit_max,self.jit_max)#.astype(int)
print(self.angle, self.jit_i, self.jit_j, temp)
return self.jitter_transform(,self.angle,self.jit_i, self.jit_j)
def forward(self, jitter=False):, 1)
if jitter:
return self.jittered_image().to(device)
pretrained_net = torchvision.models.vgg16(pretrained=True)
class SmallNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, pretrained_net, last_layer):
super(SmallNet,self).__init__() nn.Sequential(*([torchvision.transforms.Normalize(mean=rgb_mean, std=rgb_std)] +
for i in range(last_layer + 1)])).to(device).eval()
def forward(self, X, extract_layers, gram=False):
# Passes the image X through the pretrained network and
# returns a list containing the feature maps of layers specified in the list extract_layers
detach = not(X.requires_grad) # We don't want to keep track of the gradients on the content image
feature_maps = {}
for il in range(len(
X =[il](X)
if (il-1 in extract_layers): # note: il-1 because I added a normalization layer before the pretrained net in
if detach:
feature_maps[il-1] = X.clone().detach()
feature_maps[il-1] = X.clone()
return feature_maps
Losses class
Losses include:
- content loss: mean squared error (MSE) between the feature maps of the content image and the ones of the generated image.
- style loss: MSE between Gram matrices of style and generated images
- intensity loss and total variation loss: regularization to avoid spurious noise.
Loss can be computed with respect to several content and style images at once. Using several images with affine transformations is another way to perform jittering. The inconvenient is that this approach takes more memory, but in exchange, all feature maps and grams matrices for the content and style images can be precomputed. I implemented the technique described into by Berger and Memisevic (2015) to improve the long range consistency of the style inversion. In this technique, additional gram matrices between shifted feature maps are performed to take into account the spatial correlation among feature maps.
class Losses(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, img_ref,
content_weight=1.0, style_weight=1.0, tv_weight=0.0, int_weight=0.0,
alpha=6, beta=1.5):
# img_ref is used to compute a reference total variation and reference intensity
# tv_weight: weight of the total variation regularizer
# int_weight: weight of the intensity regularizer
# alpha: exponent for the intensity regularizer
# beta: exponent for the total variation regularizer
self.content_weight = content_weight
self.style_weight = style_weight
self.tv_weight = tv_weight
self.int_weight = int_weight
self.content_loss = 0.0
self.style_loss = 0.0
self.tv_loss = 0.0
self.int_loss = 0.0
self.total_loss = 0.0
self.last_content_loss = 1e10
self.last_style_loss = 1e10
self.last_tv_loss = 1e10
self.last_int_loss = 1e10
self.last_clamp_loss = 0.0
self.last_total_loss = 1e10
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.B, self.V = self.get_regularizer_refs(img_ref)
def get_content_loss(self, Y_hat, Y, reduction='mean'):
# Mean squared error between generated and content image
loss = 0
count = 0
for key, y in Y.items():
if key in Y_hat.keys():
y_hat = Y_hat[key]
loss += F.mse_loss(y_hat,
count += 1
return loss/count
def get_gram(self, feature_map, delta=0, dir=0):
# delta is a translation for longd-distance cross correlation, see:
# dir is the direction (0=x; 1=y) in which the cross correlation is computed
a, b, c, d = feature_map.size() # a=batch size(=1)
pad = delta
if delta==0:
features = feature_map.view(a * b, c * d) # resise F_XL into \hat F_XL
# G =, features.t()) # compute the gram product
G =, features.t()) # compute the gram product
if dir==0:
fm_pad = F.pad(feature_map, [pad,pad,0,0])
fm_minus_delta = fm_pad[:,:,pad-delta : pad-delta+c, :].clone()
fm_plus_delta = fm_pad[:,:,pad+delta : pad+delta+c, :].clone()
elif dir==1:
fm_pad = F.pad(feature_map, [0,0,pad,pad])
fm_minus_delta = fm_pad[:,:,:, pad-delta : pad-delta+d].clone()
fm_plus_delta = fm_pad[:,:,:, pad+delta : pad+delta+d].clone()
raise ValueError(f"unknown dir {dir}, accepted values are 0 or 1")
fm_minus_delta = feature_map.view(a * b, c * d) # resise F_XL into \hat F_XL
fm_plus_delta = feature_map.view(a * b, c * d)
G =, fm_plus_delta.t()) # compute the gram product
return G.div(a * b * c * d)
def get_style_loss(self, Y_hat, Y, reduction='sum', deltas=[], stride=1):
# Y_hat is the generated image's feature map
# Y is the style image's feature map
loss = 0
count = 0
for key, y in Y.items():
if key in Y_hat.keys():
y_hat = Y_hat[key]
G = self.get_gram(y_hat)
A = self.get_gram(y)
Lstyle = F.mse_loss(G, A.detach(),reduction='sum')
Lcc = 0
fac_sum = 1.0
for i, delta in enumerate(deltas):
A_x = self.get_gram(y,delta=delta,dir=0)
A_y = self.get_gram(y,delta=delta,dir=1)
fac = 1.0/(1.0+i)
Lcc += fac * 0.5 * ( F.mse_loss(G, A_x.detach(),reduction='sum')
+ F.mse_loss(G, A_y.detach(),reduction='sum'))
fac_sum += fac
loss += (Lstyle+Lcc)/fac_sum
count += 1
return loss/count
def get_regularizer_refs(self, img):
eps = 1e-10
L2 = torch.sqrt(img[:,0,:,:]**2 + img[:,1,:,:]**2 + img[:,2,:,:]**2 + eps)
B = L2.mean()
d_dx = img[:,:,1:,:]-img[:,:,:-1,:]
d_dy = img[:,:,:,1:]-img[:,:,:,:-1]
L2 = torch.sqrt(d_dx[:,:,:,1:]**2 + d_dy[:,:,1:,:]**2 + eps)
V = L2.mean()
return B, V
def get_int_loss(self, img):
# Intensity loss
H = img.shape[2]
W = img.shape[3]
C = img.shape[1]
eps = 1e-10
L2 = torch.sqrt(img[:,0,:,:]**2 + img[:,1,:,:]**2 + img[:,2,:,:]**2 + eps)
loss = 1./H/W/C/(self.B**self.alpha) * torch.sum(L2**self.alpha)
return loss
def get_tv_loss(self, img):
# Total variation loss
H = img.shape[2]
W = img.shape[3]
C = img.shape[1]
eps = 1e-10 # avoids accidentally taking the sqrt of a negative number because of rounding errors
# # total variation
d_dx = img[:,:,1:,:]-img[:,:,:-1,:]
d_dy = img[:,:,:,1:]-img[:,:,:,:-1]
# I ignore the first row or column of the image when computing the norm, in order to have vectors with matching sizes
# Thus, d_dx and d_dy are not strictly colocated, but that should be a good enough approximation because neighbouring pixels are correlated
L2 = torch.sqrt(d_dx[:,:,:,1:]**2 + d_dy[:,:,1:,:]**2 + eps)
TV = torch.sum(L2**self.beta) # intensity regularizer
loss = 1./H/W/C/(self.V**self.beta) * TV
# loss = 1./H/W * (torch.sum(d_dx**2) + torch.sum(d_dy**2))
return loss
def forward(self,img,feature_map_gen, feature_map_content, feature_map_style, content_weights,style_deltas=[]):
self.content_loss, w_sum = 0, 0
for fm_content, w in zip(feature_map_content, content_weights):
self.content_loss += self.get_content_loss(feature_map_gen, fm_content,reduction='mean')
w_sum += w
self.content_loss /= w_sum
self.style_loss, count = 0, 0
for fm_style in feature_map_style:
self.style_loss += self.get_style_loss(feature_map_gen, fm_style,reduction='sum',deltas=style_deltas)
count += 1
self.style_loss /= count
self.int_loss = self.get_int_loss(img)
self.tv_loss = self.get_tv_loss(img)
self.total_loss = ( self.content_weight*self.content_loss
+ self.style_weight*self.style_loss
+ self.int_weight*self.int_loss
+ self.tv_weight*self.tv_loss )
return self.total_loss
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
print('Using device:', device)
#Additional Info when using cuda
if device.type == 'cuda':
print('Memory Usage:')
print('Allocated:', round(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(0)/1024**3,1), 'GB')
print('Cached: ', round(torch.cuda.memory_reserved(0)/1024**3,1), 'GB')
Training setup
Here, I create content, style and generated images by instantiating the Image
class. I include several images for content to take into account local correlations (alternative to jittering the image). I also take one or several style images to extract characteristic features at different scales (see the Results section). I also initialize the optimizer, scheduler and loss functions.
# ===================
content_im ="")
style_im ="")
# Show
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=[5,5])[0])
plt.imshow(content_im); plt.title("content"); _ = plt.axis("off")[1])
plt.imshow(style_im); plt.title("style"); _ = plt.axis("off")
# Choose layers
# ===================
content_layer = [7]
style_layers = [2, 7, 14, 21, 28]
all_layers = list(set(content_layer+style_layers))
# Generated image
# ===================
aspect_ratio = content_im.shape[1]/content_im.shape[0]
content_res = 512
# img_gen = Image(None, optimizable=True, img_shape=[content_res,int(content_res*aspect_ratio)]).to(device) # initialized with random noise
# img_gen = Image(None, optimizable=True, img_shape=[content_res,int(content_res*aspect_ratio)]).to(device) # initialized with random noise
# Style images
# ===================
style_list = []
style_res_ref = 256
for style_res in [style_res_ref]:
# for style_res in [128, 256, 512]:
style_list.append(Image(img=style_im, optimizable=False, img_shape=[style_res, style_res],
shift_ini_i=0, shift_ini_j=0).to(device))
style_deltas = np.array([2, 4, 8, 16]) # relative shifts for the long range consistency algorithm of Berger and Memisevic (2015)
# Content images
# ===================
content_list = []
content_list_weights = []
count = 0
fm_content = []
for i in [-2,-1,0,1,2]:
for j in [-2,-1,0,1,2]:
content_list.append(Image(img=content_im, optimizable=False, img_shape=[content_res,int(content_res*aspect_ratio)],
shift_ini_i=i, shift_ini_j=j).to(device))
content_list_weights.append(1.0/(1.0+np.sqrt(i**2 + j**2)))
if i==0 and j==0:
content_ref = count
count += 1
content_list_weights = np.array(content_list_weights) # relative importance of feature maps in the loss calculation
img_gen = Image(content_list[content_ref].img[0], optimizable=True, img_shape=[content_res,int(content_res*aspect_ratio)]).to(device) # initialized with random noise# SmallNet
# Neural network
# ===================
net = SmallNet(pretrained_net, all_layers[-1])
# Precompute feature maps
# ===================
fm_style = [net(img_s(), style_layers) for img_s in style_list]
fm_content = [net(img_c(), content_layer) for img_c in content_list]
# Losses
# ===================
loss_fn = Losses(style_list[0](),
content_weight = 0.6,
style_weight = 1.0,
# Optimizer, scheduler
# ===================
optimizer = torch.optim.LBFGS(img_gen.parameters(),lr=1.0)
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=5, gamma=0.8)
abs_loss_limit = 1e-3
rel_loss_limit = 1e-7
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=[10,10])
optimizer = torch.optim.LBFGS(img_gen.parameters(),lr=0.1)
def closure():
fm_gen = net(img_gen(), all_layers)
loss = loss_fn(img_gen(), fm_gen, fm_content, fm_style,
# nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(img_gen.parameters(), 2.0)
nn.utils.clip_grad_value_(img_gen.parameters(), clip_value=1.0)
return loss
last_loss = 1e10
frame = 0
for i in range(101,201):
if i%5==0:
with torch.no_grad():
# plt.imshow(img_gen.postprocess())
plt.title(f"epoch {i:02}, content, tv, style, intensity losses:" +
f"{loss_fn.content_weight*loss_fn.content_loss:.2e}, " +
f"{loss_fn.style_weight*loss_fn.style_loss:.2e}, " +
f"{loss_fn.tv_weight*loss_fn.tv_loss:.2e}, " +
f"{loss_fn.int_weight*loss_fn.int_loss:.2e}, " +
f"total:{loss_fn.total_loss:.2e}, abs: {torch.abs(last_loss-loss_fn.total_loss):.2e}")
clear_output(wait = True)
frame += 1
if loss_fn.total_loss<abs_loss_limit:
clear_output(wait = True)
print(f'success: absolute loss limit ({abs_loss_limit:.1e}) reached')
if torch.abs(last_loss-loss_fn.total_loss)<rel_loss_limit:
clear_output(wait = True)
print(f'stopped because relative loss limit ({rel_loss_limit:.1e}) was reached')
if loss_fn.total_loss.isnan():
print(f'stopped because loss is NaN')
last_loss = loss_fn.total_loss
I perform several optimization with identic resolution of the generated and content images but different resolutions for the style image. As shown in the figure below, the style is expressed as patterns whose characteristic scale is proportional to the resolution. In the rightmost subfigure, I used three style images during the inversion to obtain patterns of different scales.

In this post, I implemented the neural style transfer algorithm of Gatys et al. (2015), with the improvements for feature inversion proposed by Mahendran and Vedaldi (2016) and long-range consistency improvements proposed Berger and Memisevic (2015) for the style computation. I reused the code architecture that I described in a previous blogpost on the feature inversion algorithm. Neural style transfer is a lot of fun to play with, although the algorithm implemented here is computationally expansive. Later improvements fixed this issue by training an additional network to learn the inversion process (e.g. Johnson et al. (2016).