Feature inversion
Feature visualization with PyTorch
Feature visualization refers to an ensemle of techniques employed to extract, visualize or understand the information (weights, bias, feature maps) inside a neural network. Olah et al. (2017) provide a good introduction to the subject, and the openAI microscope allows one to explore pretrained convolutional networks through feature visualization.
Neural style transfer relies on the technique of inversion (see Mahendran and Vedaldi 2014, 2016). "We do so by modelling a representation as a function $\phi_0 = \phi(x_0)$ of the image $x_0$. Then, we attempt to recover the image from the information contained only in the code $\phi_0$" (Mahendran and Vedaldi, 2016). Because some operation such as RELu or pooling operations (taking the max or mean of a subset of pixel) are destructive the image $x_0$ is not uniquely recoverable. For the same reason, it is easier to invert images from lower layers of the network than from higher ones. A couple of techniques such as total variation regularization or jittering the input image can help overcoming these theoretical limitations (see Mordvintsev et al., 2016 and previous references).
Algorithm outline
In this blogpost, I implement feature inversion as described in Mahendran and Vedaldi (2016). By doing so, I also lay the core foundation for the whole neural style transfer algorithm that I'll expand the next part of this series. The algorithm is implemented in PyTorch.
We have two images of interest: the content image (input) and the generated image (output). The algorithm and implementation goes as follows:
- We import the necessary libraries
- We create a
class to store and transform images. - We download a pretrained netowrk and create a smaller neural network,
that implements only the lower layers that we need. That network takes an image as input and outputs the feature maps of requested layers. - We define a loss function between the content and generated feature maps, as well as a series of regularizers to limit inversion artefacts.
- Finally, we instantiate all the classes and train the model.
import torch
import torchvision
from torch import nn
import skimage
from skimage import transform
from skimage import io
# from im_func import show_image, timer
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display, clear_output
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
from time import time
import contextlib
def timer(msg='timer'):
tic = time()
return print(f"{msg}: {time() - tic:.2f}")
2. Image
Next we define an Image
class. This class stores the image. It also applies preprocessing when the class is instantiated. I also added a function to perform image jittering, either translating or rotating the image. This kind of transformation, when applied to the input (i.e. content) image has been shown to improve feature inversion, especially when attempting to recover higher layers in the network. In effect those transformations enforce correlation between neighbouring pixels and help recover the information that was lost during pooling operations (Mahendran and Vedaldi, 2016). However, making the image jump all over the place from one iteration of the solver to the other may render optimization difficult or unstable. Thus, I opted to implement jittering a a random walk of the translation distance and angle of rotation. During instanciation we will set the parameter optimizable
to False
for the content image, and True
for the generated image. The image is cast into a tensor
when optimizable==False
, and into a nn.Parameter
with requires_grad==True
object when optimizable==True
. Image values are clamped between 0 and 1 during the forward pass.
rgb_mean = torch.tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) # Fixed values for PyTorch pretrained models
rgb_std = torch.tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
class Image(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, img=None, optimizable=True, img_shape=[64,64], jit_max=2, angle_max=2.0):
self.img_shape = img_shape
if type(img)==type(None):
self.img = torch.randn([1, 3] + self.img_shape)
self.img = img
self.img = self.preprocess()
if optimizable == True:
self.img = nn.Parameter(self.img)
self.jit_i = 0
self.jit_j = 0
self.jit_max = jit_max
self.angle = 0.0
self.angle_max = angle_max
def preprocess(self):
with torch.no_grad():
transforms = torchvision.transforms.Compose([
return transforms(self.img).unsqueeze(0)
def postprocess(self):
with torch.no_grad():
img = self.img.data[0].to(rgb_std.device).clone()
img.clamp_(0, 1)
return torchvision.transforms.ToPILImage()(img.permute(1, 2, 0).permute(2, 0, 1))
def jittered_image(self):
with torch.no_grad():
jit_max = 2
temp = np.random.standard_normal(2)*2.0
self.jit_i += temp[0]
self.jit_j += temp[1]
self.angle += np.random.standard_normal(1)[0]*1.0
self.angle = np.clip(self.angle,-self.angle_max,self.angle_max)
self.jit_i, self.jit_j = np.clip([self.jit_i, self.jit_j],-self.jit_max,self.jit_max)#.astype(int)
# print(self.angle, self.jit_i, self.jit_j, temp)
return torchvision.transforms.functional.affine(self.img.data, angle=self.angle, translate=(self.jit_i/self.img_shape[1], self.jit_j/self.img_shape[0]), scale=1., shear=[0.0,0.0])#,interpolation=torchvision.transforms.functional.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR)
def forward(self, jitter=False):
self.img.data.clamp_(0, 1)
if jitter:
return self.jittered_image()
return self.img
3. SmallNet
Next, we import a pretrained model from the PyTorch zoo. Here, I use VGG16 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014). The VGG architecture (printed below) is composed of a series of of blocks. The smallest block unit is composed of a convolutional layer + ReLU activation layer (Conv2d+ReLU). Larger blocks are composed of a series of Conv2d+ReLU followed by a maximum pooling (MaxPool2d) operation. The pooling operation divides the number of pixels by two. The complete VGG16 architecture also contains a final few fully connected layers to perform the classification, but we don't need those here. For testing I'll extract features from layer 7, and then again for layer 29 (last convolutional layer).
pretrained_net = torchvision.models.vgg16(pretrained=True)#.features.to(device).eval()
content_layer = [29]
We are only interested in the features contains in the list of layers defined earlier in content_layer
. Thus, we don't need to make a complete forward pass through the model. We need to feed our image to the VGG16 network up to the last layer of content_layer
only. Thus, we create a small network class SmallNet
that is a smaller version of the VGG16 network. We also add an initial normalization operation before the VGG16 network.
A forward pass through SmallNet
outputs a list of feature maps for specified layers (here we would specify the content_layer
list). We will use SmallNet
both on the content and generated image to obtain their respective feature maps. Here there is subtlety: the content image is not optimizable (i.e. requires_grad==False
), but the generated image is optimizable (i.e. requires_grad==False
). Thus, we need to detach the content image's feature map to avoid tracking their gradient during optimization. We also need to make copies of the feature maps to be used later during optimization. This part is essential but a bit tricky. When I implemented the algorithm, first, I didn't clone()
the layers and backpropagation was crashing, but the error message is not very explicit. Then, I didn't detach the content feature maps. The backpropagation was not crashing and I was getting a reasonable output, but convergence was terrible and the results were quite underwhelming. It took me a while to figure out the problem.
class SmallNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, pretrained_net, last_layer):
self.net= nn.Sequential(*([torchvision.transforms.Normalize(mean=rgb_mean, std=rgb_std)] +
for i in range(last_layer + 1)])).to(device).eval()
def forward(self, X, extract_layers):
# Passes the image X through the pretrained network and
# returns a list containing the feature maps of layers specified in the list extract_layers
detach = not(X.requires_grad) # We don't want to keep track of the gradients on the content image
feature_maps = []
for il in range(len(self.net)):
X = self.net[il](X)
if (il-1 in extract_layers): # note: il-1 because I added a normalization layer before the pretrained net in self.net
if detach:
return feature_maps
4. Losses
The content loss is the mean squared error between the feature maps that correspond to the content and generated images. A number of artefacts commonly appear during image inversion. One of the main reason for these artefacts is that some of the information from the original image is destroyed by pooling operations, and to a lesser extent by convolution and ReLU operations. To decrease the effect of these artefacts, we add a number of regularizer to the loss function. The intensity regularizer discourages large color intensity. The total variation regularizer inhibits small wavelength variation (i.e. denoising). Each regularization term is associated with a weight. The losses and regularizers are described in detail in Mahendran and Vedaldi (2016).
class Losses(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, img_ref,
content_weight=1.0, tv_weight=0.0, int_weight=0.0,
alpha=6, beta=1.5):
# img_ref is used to compute a reference total variation and reference intensity
# tv_weight: weight of the total variation regularizer
# int_weight: weight of the intensity regularizer
# alpha: exponent for the intensity regularizer
# beta: exponent for the total variation regularizer
self.content_weight = content_weight
self.tv_weight = tv_weight
self.int_weight = int_weight
self.content_loss = 1e10
self.tv_loss = 1e10
self.int_loss = 1e10
self.total_loss = 1e10
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.B, self.V = self.get_regularizer_refs(img_ref)
def get_content_loss(self, feature_map_gen, feature_map_content):
# Mean squared error between generated and content image
loss = 0
for i in range(len(feature_map_content)):
loss += F.mse_loss(feature_map_gen[i],
return loss/(i+1)
def get_regularizer_refs(self, img):
eps = 1e-10
L2 = torch.sqrt(img[:,0,:,:]**2 + img[:,1,:,:]**2 + img[:,2,:,:]**2 + eps)
B = L2.mean()
d_dx = img[:,:,1:,:]-img[:,:,:-1,:]
d_dy = img[:,:,:,1:]-img[:,:,:,:-1]
L2 = torch.sqrt(d_dx[:,:,:,1:]**2 + d_dy[:,:,1:,:]**2 + eps)
V = L2.mean()
return B, V
def get_int_loss(self, img):
# Intensity loss
H = img.shape[2]
W = img.shape[3]
C = img.shape[1]
eps = 1e-10
L2 = torch.sqrt(img[:,0,:,:]**2 + img[:,1,:,:]**2 + img[:,2,:,:]**2 + eps)
loss = 1./H/W/C/(self.B**self.alpha) * torch.sum(L2**self.alpha)
return loss
def get_TV_loss(self, img):
# Total variation loss
H = img.shape[2]
W = img.shape[3]
C = img.shape[1]
eps = 1e-10 # avoids accidentally taking the sqrt of a negative number because of rounding errors
# total variation
d_dx = img[:,:,1:,:]-img[:,:,:-1,:]
d_dy = img[:,:,:,1:]-img[:,:,:,:-1]
# I ignore the first row or column of the image when computing the norm, in order to have vectors with matching sizes
# Thus, d_dx and d_dy are not strictly colocated, but that should be a good enough approximation because neighbouring pixels are correlated
L2 = torch.sqrt(d_dx[:,:,:,1:]**2 + d_dy[:,:,1:,:]**2 + eps)
TV = torch.sum(L2**self.beta) # intensity regularizer
loss = 1./H/W/C/(self.V**self.beta) * TV
return loss
def forward(self,img,feature_map, feature_map_target):
self.content_loss = self.get_content_loss(feature_map, feature_map_target)
self.int_loss = self.get_int_loss(img)
self.tv_loss = self.get_TV_loss(img)
self.total_loss = ( self.content_weight*self.content_loss
+ self.int_weight*self.int_loss
+ self.tv_weight*self.tv_loss )
return self.total_loss
5. Training
5.1. Setup training
We create two instances of the Image
class, for the content and generated images, respectively. We instantiate SmallNet
and pass it the content_layer
. We instantiate Losses
and we chose weights for the regularizers. We create an optimizer and pass it the optimizable generated image. Here, we use L-BFGS as recommended by Gatys et al. (2016). We also define conditions of absolute and relative loss limits to stop training, and an option to jitter or not the input image during training. Jittering is useful to better inverse features but can cause training to not converge, therefore it is recommended to stop jittering once a reasonnable result is reached, and then optimize a bit more without jittering. We implement this option by specifying maximum number of steps for which jittering is active (jitter_nsteps==0
deactivates jittering altogether).
device = 'cpu'
# Images
content_im = skimage.io.imread("https://github.com/scijs/baboon-image/blob/master/baboon.png?raw=true")
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=[5,5])
_ = plt.imshow(content_im); plt.title("content"); _ = plt.axis("off")
img_shape = [256, int(256*content_im.shape[1]/content_im.shape[0])]
img_content = Image(img=content_im, optimizable=False, img_shape=img_shape).to(device)
img_gen = Image(None, optimizable=True, img_shape=img_shape).to(device)
# SmallNet
net = SmallNet(pretrained_net, content_layer[-1])
# Losses
loss_fn = Losses(img_content(),
# Optimizer
optimizer = torch.optim.LBFGS(img_gen.parameters(),lr=1.0)
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=10, gamma=0.5)
abs_loss_limit = 1e-3
rel_loss_limit = 1e-7
# Other options
n_steps = 100
n_out = 1 # how often (in number of time steps) to plot the the updated image during inversion
jitter_nsteps = 50 # Jitter the input image for the first that many steps
5.2. Train
Here, we train the model. At each iteration we compute the feature maps of the generated image and compare it to the feature maps of the content image to compute the loss. The feature maps of the content image are computed only once if jitter==False
or at each epoch otherwise. We visualize the updated generated image every few epochs along the current values of loss and regularizers.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=[10,10])
# for sanity
if jitter_nsteps<0:
jitter_nsteps = 0
def closure():
fm_gen = net(img_gen(), content_layer)
loss = loss_fn(img_gen(), fm_gen, fm_content)
return loss
last_loss = 1e10
frame = 0
for i in range(n_steps):
if i%n_out==0:
with torch.no_grad():
if i>0:
rel_loss = torch.abs(last_loss-loss_fn.total_loss)
rel_loss = 1e10
plt.title(f"Epoch {i:02}, losses:\n" +
f"content: {loss_fn.content_weight*loss_fn.content_loss:.2e}, " +
f"total variation {loss_fn.tv_weight*loss_fn.tv_loss:.2e}, " +
f"intensity {loss_fn.int_weight*loss_fn.int_loss:.2e}, \n" +
f"total absolute:{loss_fn.total_loss:.2e}, relative: {rel_loss:.2e}")
clear_output(wait = True)
if i>0:
if loss_fn.total_loss<abs_loss_limit:
clear_output(wait = True)
print(f'success: absolute loss limit ({abs_loss_limit:.1e}) reached')
if torch.abs(last_loss-loss_fn.total_loss)<rel_loss_limit:
clear_output(wait = True)
print(f'stopped because relative loss limit ({rel_loss_limit:.1e}) was reached')
if loss_fn.total_loss.isnan():
print(f'stopped because loss is NaN')
last_loss = loss_fn.total_loss
if i<jitter_nsteps:
fm_content = net(img_content(jitter=True), content_layer)
elif i==jitter_nsteps:
fm_content = net(img_content(jitter=False), content_layer)
The algorithm can reconstruct an image pretty close to the original from shallow layers, but the inversion becomes more abstract with deeper layers. The color reconstruction also becomes increasingly unfaithful the deeper we go. For example, here are illustrations of the optimization process on layer 7 (top), and 29, i.e. last layer (bottom). Also, you can both output images are jittered, the jittering is only clearly visible for layer 7.
In this blogpost I implemented feature visualization and layed the foundation for my implementation of neural style transfer. My implementation of feature visualization follows the recommandation of Mahendran and Vedaldi (2016). I implemented some of the techniques described by Olah et al. (2017) to improve the inversion of deep layers, such as total variation and intensity regularization or jittering the output image. I obtain a clear output for relatively shallow layers, but there is room to improvement regarding deeper layers. I found that the trickiest part of the implementation, and where I spent the most time debugging was in the feature map extraction. At this point it is important to clone and detach feature maps appropriately. Failing to do so may break backpropagation, or worse, backpropagation can go on but with the wrong feature maps which result underwhelming yet reasonnable output. In that case you might make the mistake of trying to tune the parameters rather than looking for a bug.