x.grad demystified
An introduction to automatic differentiation with PyTorch and computing a gradient field
The key algorithm of neural networks is back-propagation which applies the chain rule to compute derivatives of a function. In PyTorch, assuming you have defined a function, say f = sin(x)
, you would compute its gradient by calling f.backward()
followed by x.grad
. The gradient is a function but x.grad
returns values, so it was not immediately obvious to me what was happening.
To remind you, the gradient of scalar function $f(x,y,z)$ is a vector field defined by:
$ \nabla f = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{d f}{d x} \\ \frac{d f}{d y} \\ \frac{d f}{d z} \\ \end{bmatrix} $
You can sample this vector field at a given position say $(X,Y,Z)$.
$ \nabla f(X,Y,Z) = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{d f(X,Y,Z)}{d x} \\ \frac{d f(X,Y,Z)}{d y} \\ \frac{d f(X,Y,Z)}{d z} \\ \end{bmatrix} $
It turns out that calling f.backward()
computes the function $\nabla f$. When calling x.grad
, PyTorch treats the tensor x
as the axis $x$ and its values as the positions $X$. Thus, x.grad
returns $\frac{d f(X,Y,Z)}{d x}$.
To illustrate this concept, let's compute the gradient of a scalar function of one or two variables.
import torch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 15
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [8,8]
Function of one variable
First, we define a tensor X
that stores positions $X$ along axis $x$, and a tensor F
that stores the values of function $f(x)=sin(x)$ evaluated at positions $X$. Because the backward()
function works only on scalar values we sum the values of F
before calling backward. This operation does not affect the derivatives.
n = 100
X = torch.linspace(.0,2.*np.pi,n, requires_grad=True)
F = torch.sin(X)
Now we visualize the function (red line) and its gradient (black arrows). The gradient is computed by calling X.grad
r = 8 # sample rate for the gradient
with torch.no_grad():
_ =plt.ylabel('$f(x)$')
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(.0,2.*np.pi,n),np.linspace(.0,2.*np.pi,n))
X = torch.from_numpy(X.T)
Y = torch.from_numpy(Y.T)
X.requires_grad = True
Y.requires_grad = True
F = torch.sin(X)*torch.cos(Y)
In two dimensions the gradient is a vector field that can be represented using a quiverplot. The scalar function $f$ is represented as a heatmap. We calculate the components of the gradient vector at each of locations stored in (X,Y)
by calling X.grad
and Y.grad
r = 5
with torch.no_grad():
extent=[x.item() for x in [X[0,0], X[-1,0], Y[0,0], Y[0,-1]]],
plt.quiver(X[::r,::r],Y[::r,::r],X.grad[::r,::r], Y.grad[::r,::r])
_ = plt.ylabel('$y$')
PyTorch's automatic differentiation is a very neat tool that allows you to easily compute gradient fields. The function f.backward()
computes the gradient function itself while calling, x.grad
computes the derivative of the function $f(x)$ with respect to variable $x$ at the location stored in tensor x
. This functionality can be used to easily compute gradient vector fields in an arbtrary number of dimensions.